Though inconspicuous during everyday use, they are indispensable when serious danger is present: electrical hold-open systems are part of preventative fire protection. Their task is to keep legally-prescribed fire barriers in escape and rescue routes open, especially fire and smoke protection doors. They do this so efficiently that many people pass through the door during everyday operations without noticing it. When fire breaks out on the other hand, an integrated smoke detector triggers the system and the door closes automatically thus preventing the spread of smoke gases and fire to adjacent rooms and buildings.
Application areas
Fire barriers in escape and rescue routes such as fire and smoke protection doors. These doors are normally used in kindergartens, hospitals, schools, hotels and residential homes for the elderly. In addition to fire protection, their purpose is to provide barrier-free access to children, elderly persons and persons with disabilities. As a whole they therefore ensure a smooth flow of public and goods traffic during daily operations.
A hold-open system consists of the following components
GU Automatic GmbH
Karl-Schiller-Straße 12
33397 Rietberg